Embracing the Winter Weather, the Ayurvedic Way ❄️🌿

Each dosha experiences winter differently. Here’s a little guide on how Vata, Pitta, and Kapha can find balance and wellness during the colder months.

Vata and Winter

In the cold, dry winter, Vata can become imbalanced. It’s a time to nourish and hydrate both internally and externally(warm oil massage) Embrace warm grounding foods and keep yourself cozy. Remember, cozy socks and self-care is key! #vatabalance #WinterWellness #groundedandwell

Pitta and Winter

Winter can be a time of balance for Pitta. Embrace the warmth and light. It’s a perfect season for reflection and indoor activities. Embrace this season of slowness and REST when needed. It’s your superpower to know how to rest😉Keep your inner fire burning bright! #PittaBalance #CozyWinter #restiscurrency

Kapha and Winter

Winter may increase Kapha, leading to feelings of heaviness and often the winter blues. Stay active and keep your energy flowing. Opt for stimulating and invigorating activities and keep time with others a priority. Spring is just around the corner! #KaphaCare #ActiveWinter #kaphabalance

Ps if you’re interested in learning more I have a super fun offer dropping tomorrow….you and me 30 days of voice messaging on all things Ayurveda, wellness, yoga Nidra or anything else and at a price that will sell out.

With joy, happiness and all the rest



a Personalized Path to Wellness