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Treasures curated from India, Peru and Bali have begun arrive and I will continue to post them on the online store.I personally brought back fabric, kimonos, malas, jewelry, carpets, journals, spices, clothing and other items from India as well I am working closely with local ladies that travel abroad bringing back sustainable items that support children's charities, orphanages and local artisans that make a living creating these beautiful items. The beautiful women I connect with are some of the biggest treasures thus far. I may not see them often or ever but we are all doing our best to make a difference in this diverse world by working with other women around the world. #womensupportingwomenVisit the online store often for more items as they are being shipped and soon to arrive this month and more into 2018. I am so excited to share them with you and the story of where they are from, who they support and the sustainability of how these products are made while supporting those that create them. They are such UNIQUE gifts for the special someone or yogini in your life:)